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Children and youth culture

Skellefteå municipality works to ensure that children and young people have access to a rich, qualitative and accessible cultural offering both at school and in their free time. They should have the opportunity to take part in as many different cultural expressions as possible to be able to choose what they want to do in their spare time.

During the spring and fall, we offer a variety of dance, music and theater performances for younger audiences. The performances are aimed at different age groups, from babies to primary school children.


Midvintersaga (Nordcircus)
A gendered tale based on Zacharias Topelius' story about Sampo Lappelill. The story is told with the help of circus, joik, song and music. An exciting tale about the wild country high up in the north where the sun is not seen for many, many weeks.

Saturday 2 March
Hallen, Nordanå
From 3 years.
Duration of the performance: 35 min.

Tickets, SEK 60, eventually a service fee, sold via Skellefteå Turistcenter
0910-45 25 10, ticketmaster.se

Spöken på rymmen (Pygméteatern)
A gatekeeper sits every evening on her chair in front of the old castle and keeps watch. No one ever comes to visit, and no one ever leaves the castle. So what exactly is she guarding year after year? The gatekeeper knows that ghosts live in the castle! But... ghosts don't really exist, do they? Or?

A playful, cozy performance with puppets, people and music.

Saturday 27 April
Hallen, Nordanå
From 3 years.
Duration of the performance: 35 min.

Tickets, SEK 60, eventually a service fee, sold via Skellefteå Turistcenter
0910-45 25 10, ticketmaster.se

Flodhästen och andra hästar (Teater de Vill)
Oh, how wonderful life is, thinks the Hippopotamus. She enjoys her quiet, lazy existence by the beach. Despite her age, she moves elegantly in the water and floats like a cork. The horse lives life. Dances, jumps and moves as fast as the wind. She is young and wild with a swaying mane and stately tail. One day they both meet on the beach and their whole lives are turned upside down. Who really is a horse?

Saturday 18 May
10.45 am
Hallen, Nordanå
From 3 years.
Duration of the performance: 30 min.

Free entry, part of the Children's Culture Day (Barnkulturdagen) at Nordanå on May 18. Tickets for the performance can be picked up at the info desk at Nordanå on the same day.


We offer educational activities in drama, storytelling, literature, dance, crafts and art. Drama play, storytelling, dance play, the creative bag, storytelling, writing workshops, art workshops, etc.

On the events page, you can take part in both the municipality's and external actors' child and youth culture offerings.

Events page with children and family activities External link, opens in new window. You can choose your language by clicking on the flag in the top right corner.

At the craft club you can carve, paint, sew, braid, crochet, bend, pry and make cool things. In the craft club you meet others with the same interest and you also get to learn more about crafts! The craft club "Slöjdklubben" is aimed at children and young people of school age.

During the holidays, we offer various activities for out-of-school children and young people. Some examples are candle making, making your own skipping rope, storytelling, Fifa tournaments, creative art corners, writing workshops, creative craft bags.

Kulturskolan offers learning at different levels in many aesthetic subjects, music, dance, theater, drama and media in various forms.

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