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Travel by bus, plane or train

Getting to Skellefteå is easy. The E4 passes right by the city centre and the airport is only 15 km away. You can travel comfortably within the city centre by public transport and to the surrounding towns by Länstrafiken.


From Stockholm it takes just over an hour to get to Skellefteå. You can get to and from Skellefteå Airport, located in Falmark, by airport shuttle or taxi, the city centre is only 15 km away.

Skellefteå Airport External link.


Local transport timetables including the airport bus
Skellefteå buss operates local transport in Skellefteå, as well as the bus to the airport and hockey bus and school transport.

Länstrafiken's timetables
is responsible for bus services in the county. At Tabussen.nu you will find information about bus routes, times and prices.

Tabussen.nu External link.


If you are travelling to Skellefteå by train, you can get off in Bastuträsk in the neighbouring municipality of Norsjö or in Jörn, which is located five kilometres north in the north-western corner of Skellefteå municipality.

Tickets on sj.se External link.

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